Rise Above It

This images represent me as an artist reinventing myself. Thriving while constantly being buried under stress. Rising against all odds and facing my challenges head on.

Too Much

This piece represent societies norm, people saying that you as a person are too much. That No should be your guidelines to life. the feelings that stood out when I was making this piece was the feeling of being stuffed with ideas that were not my own and giving up while I still had a chance at a normal job.


We all possess the power of action, to take ownership of our own destiny. Instead of praying for change, this piece represents the strength and guidance necessary to be the captain of your own ship.

Sick and Wrong to Convince Power

COVID times were not only challenging, but leaders that we thought we could trust became hard to follow. Times were rough and power and control were going to the wrong people. This piece represents having a mind of your own and not being a sheep and blindly follow power for powers sake.

Life lost

We live our lives under constant scrutiny of family, lifestyle, career, personal growth—and the sacrifices we make based on those judgment has lasting impact. This piece emblemizes that struggle and the beauty of our achievements.

Aiming for confidence

In today’s society, we’re constantly overwhelmed by someone else’s expectations. This piece speaks to those imposing fears we all have of self-doubt and the struggle we face in the pursuit of self-improvement.


This piece represents blaming the world for our problems. When we should be blaming ourselves, because the only one holding anyone back from our dreams is ourselves. which means admiting at times we can be our own worst enemy.


Always be yourself unless you can be a unicorn then always be a unicorn.


A reminder to be yourself and don’t stray from your path. No one will know what’s best for you except for you.